According to the user's demand, we segregate top Android Apps in November 2022.
1. iMessage:
Have you ever thought to yourself why on Earth can't we just have iMessage on Android well blue bubbles is an application that believes it or not actually achieves that very thing. it's not as simple as just downloading the app and Away you go here is a fair bit of setup involved and on top of that the key step that will potentially make this is a deal breaker for some is that it actually requires a Mac and an Apple ID to work but once you go through the entire setup process surprisingly it actually works amazingly well that also looks quite similar to iMessage and it supports viewing read and delivered timestamps muting And archiving conversation and with the little extra setup you can also enable features like quick reactions typing indicators and even message effects now it's obviously not quite as seamless as Apple just making Imessage available on Andriod themselves but the fact that it's free and that it even works in the place incredible.
2. Dynamic Island:
Staying in the realm of iOS for a minute next up we have Dynamic spot which is in my opinion the best app so far to replicate iOS Dynamic functionality the I say the best app because if you look on the Google Play Store there are already seemingly hundreds of versions of the same app and I've tested a lot of them so you wouldn't have to and after doing so I realized that none of them are even half as good as Dynamic spot.
Because not only does it have really clean and fluid style animations but it also functions the best of a lot allowing you to tap to launch into the full-screen version of the app or long press to launch this expanded card-style widget even though it sounds really simple the fact that you can simply tap outside of the widget area to close the card and that it also Auto closes on its own after a few seconds which is exactly how it works on iOS those reasons alone are enough to make it better than any other competing option, in my opinion, oh and even better than that you can also customize all of this plus more within the app settings.
3. Dual Camera Record:
The app setting all right next up today is dual camera record and as the name so healthy indicates this is a really neat app that lets you capture videos with both your selfie and rear camera at the same time and that's kind of it you can of course switch which camera is set as the primary camera you can also turn on or off your phone's flash and if you upgrade to pro version filters for slightly more unique look aside from that the app just works really well and this being really useful in a huge number scenarios.
4. Minutae:
following up that is minutiae perhaps one the most fascinating concepts for social media apps I've ever come across mainly because it's actually really an anti-social media application now hear me out on first impressions the app's concepts do sound quite a bit like another popular app doing the rounds lately called be real in that at one specific time every single day every single user of the app is notified to capture a photo of whatever is in front of them but believe it or not my new shirt was actually developed first and then on top of that this app has no likes no comments and it doesn't even have usernames but what\s even cooler is that at the end of a four year period should you choose to use the app for that long you can actually choose to get your photo memories printed in the book form and whilst I'm quite a bit away form that period given I've only just started using the app Ithink its\s fantastic goalk to work to words and one of the rare instances of a digital application offering you a real tangible product that you can hold in your hands essentialy the concept of be real but you want a more anti-social version then you totally check out Minutae.
5. One4KLWP:
It has been quite some time since every asp I feature a klwp preset on the channel but this one is so well designed with lots of great options packed in that I thought it was well worth a mention now if you haven't heard of klwp before it is an app from the same developers as kwgt but instead of letting you make widgets klwp lets you create entire home screen setups that you can then set as live wallpapers and one for klwp is a pack of klwp presets and it comes with eight beautifully designed home screens choose from some that are really minimal others that are more complex but every single one of them is visually striking and they all pack in some really cool hidden functionality alongside some slick animation to go with.
6. Taskbar:
The Taskbar is a fantastic open-source application that has huge potential for leveling up, the app is installed and enabled you'll then get this little toggle on the bottom of your display which when tapped will open up a taskbar kind of might find on a windows PC and on this Taskbar you'll find a scrollable list of recently used apps plus you can also tap this icon here to open up a complete list of your applications similar to an app drawer then even better than that is that if you long press this icon and tap on setting you can then customize virtually every aspect of this Taskbar including which icon pack to use which apps to show on the scrollable list or in the app drawer as well as what the Taskbar even looks like itself yup certainly isn't the most glamorous cloud probably do some thing refining in regards to animations and designs that you can't argue with its functionality.
7. SMS Backup And Restore:
Then we have SMS Backup And Restore remember so for context anytime you set up a new phone you'll get the option to transfer all of your data from a previous phone with no problem in today's day and age most of the apps we use rely on cloud-based Services anytime we switch back to a phone that we've already used we'll find that most of our data is already there except for SMS chat history and so that's where SMS backup and restore what comes in all you need to do is back up your messages on your previous phone to Google Drive or Dropbox or even just locally if you like, then you open up the app on the device you're moving back to tap on restore select where to restore it from Hit restore and Away you go yeah it will automatically check for and Skip any duplicates which are amazing and you can even set the app up so that it only restores messages from a certain date as I said I use this app several times a year to transfer my messages between devices and it works flawlessly every single time.
8. Book Morning Routine:
This app has a really unique approach to waking you up in the morning to improve your morning routine and sleep cycles by waking you up with gentle alarm sounds every single day and then motivating you to open your eyes by presenting you with fascinating and immersive short stories that you'll really enjoy reading but then beyond that super cool and unique approach to what is effectively an alarm clock application the app itself just has such a beautiful design with Gorgeous animations and sound effects to go with that, it's worth trying out even if you never plan on using it as an alarm app it comes with a handful of stories available for free after which point you will need to purchase new stories but again I just love the concept and the design so huge hats off to the team behind it that is it.